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SETAF2018 current annual license fee 3000TL INCLUDING VAT is.


License lock price is not included in the annual license fee. In addition to the annual license fee, a license lock fee of $38 (USD) including VAT is charged at the initial purchase stage. License lock is created and charged for a one-time fee on behalf of the person or institution mentioned in the contract. If the license period is extended, users who have a license lock will not be charged a lock fee again.

For your questions, you can reach our sales representative at 0533 652 34 38.

Account Name:   Akzel Mühendislik İnşaat San. and Tic. LLC

Branch:  1105 - Koca Mustafa Pasha/ISTANBUL


IBAN:  TR45 0006 4000 0011 1050 7560 64

Yıllık lisans bedeli

online ödemelerde KDV Dahil 6500 TL'dir. 

Online Sipariş Formu

Sipariş ücreti sadece 6500 TL


Siparişiniz için Teşekkürler!

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